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Safety Guidelines

Droplet Reduction & Symptom Management

  • Masks mandatory for staff; optional but highly suggested for athletes

  • Mandatory symptom checks for employees



  • Training groups of 5 or fewer athletes

  • 6’ of distance between athletes and staff

  • When 6’ of distance is not possible, use of PPE and staggered contact

Increased Cleanliness

  • Regular facility disinfecting after each training group



  • Trainers must wash their hands upon entering and leaving the facility

  • Hand Sanitizer will be available

Covid-19 Phase 2 Requirements

  • All clients will wash their hands or use facility provided hand sanitizer upon entrance to & exit from the facility. This will be confirmed by the trainer.

  • Patrons are strongly encouraged to wear cloth face coverings when feasible.

  • Phase 2 authorized operations include appointment-only one-on-one personal training and small group fitness sessions (groups of 5 or less) at training facilities.

  • High risk clients are not permitted as part of Phase 2 re-opening. High risk clients include people over the age of 65, people with serious underlying medical conditions like chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma and people who are immunocompromised.

  • Clients cannot enter if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (have not recovered or are still within the required 14-day quarantine), had symptoms of COVID-19 (within the last 24 hours), or had contact with a person that has or is suspected to have COVID-19 (within the last 14 days).

  • Social distancing guidelines of at least six feet of separation must be maintained by every person in the facility at all times to the greatest extent possible.

  • Total Number of people in the facility, to include staff, trainers, and clients, will be limited to 30% of the facility’s building occupancy, as determined by the fire code.

  • Congregations of no more than five people will be allowed in common areas such as employee break rooms and lobbies

© 2015 The Lumber Yard

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